Apnii to yaarii aisi atrangi haiii re ! ❤️
Here's to all my friends! To all my friends that were once my go-to but now are no longer than a birthday reminder on my phone. To the one's who have held me when I couldn't stand up, to the ones who bear with me and hold me tight when I cry. To the ones that let me fall -some on purpose and others to just see me grow tall. Here's to all the friends who remember small details about me, to the ones who share me wholesome memes, to the ones who hold me even behind my back. To the ones who tolerate my humor, to the ones who listen me rant, to the ones who cheer for me and to the ones who speak ill of me before they spoke well. To all the ones who have been my shopping partners, to the ones who have been my food-buddies, to all the ones who have been my picture partners, to the ones who have lied to me and to the ones who have told me the harsh truths. Here's to all the friends who I have had for years and to the ones who just walked out as quickly as they walk...